Spring Sport Tryouts begin Monday, February 3
Tryouts for all our spring sports are open to all athletes grades 7-12
Make sure you have all health forms uploaded through BigTeams. Middle School students must complete a middle school waiver form prior to tryouts. Please contact the following coaches for more information
February 3-4
Girls Soccer - 4:30-6:00 PM - Coach Leah Zaccone (zacconeleah@gmail.com)
Boys Soccer - 5:30- 7:30 PM - Coach Damon Daniels (damondaniels@bellsouth.com)
Baseball - 4:30-6:30 PM - Coach Brandon Gipson (gipsonb14@yahoo.com) Softball - 4:30- 6:30 PM - Coach Erica Gray (coachgray2022@yahoo.com)